A Few True Things
I'm a little sad that October is over. Fall is so incredibly lovely, and I wish it could stick around forever and ever AMEN. I usually start feeling a little panicky when November rolls around because October went by too fast and it will be December 26th (literally the worst day of the year) before we know it and then I'll start sinking into a seasonal depression because cool weather is the bee's knees but cold, gray weather is AWFUL and I just can't.
In an attempt to stay the rush, rush, rush of the holiday season, I want to slow down today and share some of my favorite links from around the web with you: the funny, the irreverent, the sweet, and the inspiring. All the good, true things to get you through the rest of your week with a smile on your face.
Putting it all out there.
Human Google for the knowledge nerds.
If only I spoke French.
You're never too young to start.
The genealogy of the vote.
The loveliest little blog.
Emma Watson's Feminist Book Club